Monday, October 17, 2011

Are you a Mummy Thinking of starting a new business?

I was interested to recently read an article about the rise of "Working at Home Mums (WAHMs).  In particular the thoughts of a male psychologist about the pitfalls of a WAHM.  He wasn't saying don't do it but he certainly wasn't entirely supportive of the rise of the WAHM.  He pointed to stress, exhaustion, inexperience and isolation as some key negatives.

Balancing a career with babies and toddlers is no mean feat.

So how do you do it?  How do you go into business for yourself and still devote time to your young family without feeling guilty or completely exhausted?
Firstly, picking the right industry is key.  It should be something that is meaningful to you.  Something which you like doing and if possible use a skill you already have.  Remember, any new business, if it is going to succeed, requires a great deal of time in its early stages.
Secondly, surround yourself with the right people.  Seek some good advice.  If you have never worked for yourself you absolutely need to see an accountant or business adviser before you proceed.  They can help you with a business plan, budget and forecasting and ensure you have the correct structure and other necessities (like insurances) in place.
Thirdly, be organised, disciplined and most importantly, realistic.  If you are a new Mum, wait until you and your new baby are in a routine.  Starting a new business will always have an element of stress so it is important that you don't take on too much too soon.
Fourthly, think about how and where you are going to run your business.  If from home, where?  Have you setup a separate room that you can close off from the family?  There is a lot to be said for "going to work";  you are more likely to be focused and efficient if your work place is clean, tidy and a designated area away from the washing or children's toys.  This isn't to say that I haven't sat in my home office with baby bouncing in the jolly jumper whilst I am at my desk working, but the point is, it was my office setup just how I needed it to be setup and could accommodate an awake baby to play happily whilst I worked.
If you are providing consulting type services, think about a serviced office.  These are in abundance and can be reasonably priced for short term rental.  Leaving home for a couple of days a week to work in an office might be a more efficient option.
If you are running an online retail shop, what about hiring a short-term "pop-up" shop in a popular shopping centre or arcade to gain some exposure.  This just might give your sales the boost you couldn't achieve from home.

If you are working from home, yes it can be very isolating and, in turn, stressful.  Consider joining networking groups to get yourself out of the house or online support when you are feeling overwhelmed.  I recommend for excellent support, tips and forums.


  1. Such great tips in here Sarah and a great help for mums starting out - as many can jump in without really knowing what to consider. Thanks also for my little shout out at the end - a lovely surprise!

    Cheers, Alli x

  2. Great post Sarah. Absolutely it's hard starting any new business yourself and throwing in being a mum full time on top of that does have it's challenges. I must admit when i started my first home based business, i had to make sure i paid close attention to my mental state and stress levels. It's like the airline hostess says "make sure you put your own air ask on first before helping others" Let's face it, you're children need you to be happy and feeling good.

    Seeing the extra challenges women with children face when starting their own business prompted me to start Kids Style Hub. I knew there had to be an easier way for WAHM's to get their products marketed and sold in a store and online, and by combining the best products all into one shared store seemed the best way to go.

    Thanks for the great advice Sarah.

  3. I think many mums (like me) thought that running a business from home would be easy. I found out it isn't as you put in so many hours when its your own company. My lifeline is Motivating Mum and the get togethers and having a good chat, brain storming and laughing with other mum's running their business.

  4. It is often hard for a woman who has had a career to give all of this away to suddenly "spend time at home with kids, hence the I'll run a business from home". The hours are incredibly long but the reward can also be great.
    Apart from having support and networking I think it is also important to have time to oneself that is totally for you to recharge. I have recently engaged a personal trainer who comes to my house 2 mornings a week and it is absolute bliss (apart from the fact that I am in complete agony for most of the session). This is my time; not my partners, not my daughters, not my business - just me - and that is important.

  5. Great tips Sarah to start a new accountant business.As a business advisor melbourne Expert I appreciate your blog.Thanks for useful blog.


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